
Sunday School Scoop | Nov 2018

Sunday School Scoop

Amy Grunewald Mattison

Amy Grunewald Mattison,
Sunday School coordinator


This summer our family traveled to the Boundary Waters for a week in the woods. We couldn’t have asked for easier camping weather: warm dry days, cool nights, starry skies. But on our last day as we paddled back from a day trip, the sky changed shape from a dome of blue and puffy clouds to a flat haze. We later learned the change was caused by smoke traveling thousands of miles from British Columbia. That night, our sunset was a bright orange ball that shone through otherwise haze-filled sky.

This year our Sunday School theme is “Let your light shine!” (Matthew 5:16). Like the sky that late afternoon, our lives and our children’s lives are so filled with activity, it can feel like a haze settling on us. From the amazing amount they grow in such a short amount of time, to the schedules we keep, our lives and theirs are wonderfully filled. But amidst all of it, Jesus calls us to teach our children to let their light, their gifts, their presence, shine before others so that the world might see the reflection of God’s gifts and grace to all people. We are enjoying sharing this theme with your children this school year through songs, art and stories during our opening time together and in the classroom.

Noisy coin offerings

This fall we have been collecting coins to raise money for a new church ministry, The Keep at LM. The Keep, which is located in the renovated basement our building, will house 4-5 student groups working to serve other students and the greater community in the areas of food, clothing, and shelter. Currently there are two student groups in the space: Bundle-Up, which collects and assembles clothing bundles for homeless in our city; and The Badger Caring Closet, which provides some living essentials for students like detergent, toiletries, etc. This winter, as another way to fight food insecurity on campus, LM hopes to launch a food pantry to serve faculty, students, and staff of the UW, Edgewood, and Madison College. We are partnering with Lutheran Campus Ministry in this endeavor, and are supported by wonderful volunteers at LM.

Family Group discussion, dinner and service

Once a month, parents, grandparents and young adults gather at LM to share in prayer and discussion while children attend choir or play in the nursery (thanks to our wonderful staff, Ellie and Ann Marie!). We then reconvene to bless and share a meal (hosted by one family and added to by all), complete a service project (sharpening pew pencils, making cards for our homebound members, sending care packages to LM students away at college), and play a game led by Addison Arndt, LM’s Faith & Vocation Fellowship intern. Next month the entire congregation is invited to join us to make pizzas and Advent crafts on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 4:15 pm. Sign up at the welcome desk or see Kirsten Heggeseth for details.

Hospitality table

Interested in how your family might serve at LM together? The hospitality table (Sunday refreshments) is in need of volunteers to bake (or buy) treats and snacks, help with coffee, and/or greet people after the 8 and 10:30 services. If your family is interested in providing treats or hosting, please ask Amy how you can get involved. In the spring, our grade 4–5 class will be serving in this way.

Training and Children’s Choir

On Sunday, Nov. 11, the choirs joined together to sing prelude at the 10:30 service—Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord—and they did! We are grateful to have the leadership of Jamie Henke and Madelaine Trewin for these two groups this fall. If your child is interested in joining either training choir (Kindergarten through grade 2) or children’s choir (grade 3–6), come on Sunday afternoons from 4:15–5 pm to check it out!

Welcome, Andrew!

We look forward to welcoming Andrew and Jenny Schaeffer, and their new baby, Walter! Andrew is LM’s new music director. He begins in December, observing and taking part in our Sunday School opening worship until the new year, when he will be leading us in song to let our light shine!

Upcoming events

Sunday, Dec. 9 | 4:15 pm Advent Pizza Making & Crafts
Sunday, Dec. 16 | 9:15 am Christmas Pageant (meet in the Great Room)
Sunday, Dec. 23 | 4 pm Greening of the Nave
Monday, Dec. 24 | 5 pm Living Nativity and Holy Communion
Sunday, Jan. 6 | 4:15 pm Family Group Dinner

Save the date

Looking for a change of pace? Check out these LM off-campus events in 2019!
February 8–9, 2019 Winter Retreat at Bethel Horizons, near Dodgeville
August 24–26, 2019 Family Camping at Rock Island, Door County