What is the mission of Luther Memorial Foundation?
The Foundation’s mission is to build and sustain an endowment fund that supports LM’s ministries of witnessing to salvation through Jesus Christ and service to the community. The foundation exists to provide members of our congregation with a means by which to contribute to LM and its mission, for generations to come.

How are the Foundation’s funds used?
The Foundation’s assets generate income from dividends and interest, and part of that income is provided to LM each year. Any remaining income is reinvested. The Foundation oversees three funds: The Cornerstone Fund is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of LM’s facilities; the Program Fund supports the mission and ministry of LM by contributing to its operating budget and wide range of congregational ministries; and the Mission Fund enhances LM’s outreach ministry.

How does Luther Memorial Foundation operate?
The Foundation is managed by a board of directors that consists of seven members of the LM congregation, plus our senior pastor, council president, and selected members of LM staff. Directors are elected for three-year terms at LM’s annual meeting. The directors strive to be responsible stewards of God’s gifts by tracking the performance of fund investments, raising awareness of the foundation’s mission, and honoring those who have chosen to make a lasting gift to LM through the Foundation.

How can I give to Luther Memorial Foundation?
There are many ways to contribute to Luther Memorial Foundation. Cash and security donations can be made in the same way that you make pledged offerings, via one-time gifts or regular bank transfers that designate the Foundation as the recipient. The Foundation can also be designated as the beneficiary of insurance policies and retirement plans. Many people, however, have chosen to name the Foundation in their will. Such a bequest is a meaningful way to support LM without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime.

How will my gift be invested?
Gifts to Luther Memorial Foundation are invested in the ELCA’s Endowment Fund Pooled Trust, which was established for the collective investment of funds belonging to the ELCA and its congregations. The ELCA endowment fund has investment objectives consistent with the Economic Social Criteria Investment Screens approved by the ELCA Church Council.

My attorney is asking for specific language, where do I find it?
Please contact Suelyn Swiggum, Director of Shared Ministry, for supporting documents, legal language, or other questions: swiggum@luthermem.org.

Where can I find out more?
If you would like to know more about making a gift to the church through Luther Memorial Foundation, please speak with a pastor. General information is also available from members of the Foundation’s board. Yearly status reports are provided in LM’s annual report.

Click here to read legacy stories from Luther Memorial family and friends (pdf).